This page helps provide that information and more about privacy and data security. If you can’t find what you’re looking for here, feel free to contact us with questions or comments any time at
Our Principles
Transparency & Education
DJI is committed to remaining open and transparent about all aspects of our data collection and use. We also want to make it easier for our users to understand our data management and security, whether they are consumers, enterprise users or government operators.
Community Collaboration
We remain open to working with experts, enthusiasts, and other members of the drone community to hear their suggestions on how to further strengthen our systems. Data security is a never-ending effort and we believe a broader conversation always leads to stronger results.
Robust Data Security
We will always look for ways to make your data and privacy more secure by tightening existing systems, innovating new ones and embracing new methods and technologies.
Balance Safety & Privacy
We design our systems to access and use the least amount of data necessary to help ensure safety, through features such as location-based geofencing. We believe the drone industry should establish standard principles about data access, and we are trying to set an example by our actions.